



No. 頁數..年份
還真的有點難喔作者: 李遠哲博士題目: 交叉分子束實驗出處(Journal):參考:年份 :1986年得化學獎 

而是因為他於化學動力學方面的研究貢獻. 我認為當初李博士被推薦申請諾貝爾獎時



不太可能是一篇定江山.請參考下面原文資料.Press Release: The 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry15 October 1986The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 1986 Nobel Prize in chemistry jointly toProfessor Dudley R. Herschbach

Harvard University



Professor Yuan T. Lee

University of California


USA andProfessor John C. Polanyi

University of Toronto


Canadafor their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes. The dynamics of chemical reactions - a fascinating new field of researchSummaryThis year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Dudley R. Herschbach

Yuan T. Lee and John C. Polanyi for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes. Their research has been of great importance for the development of a new field of research in chemistry - reaction dynamics - and has provided a much more detailed understanding of how chemical reactions take place.Dudley R. Herschbach has developed the method of crossed molecular beams

directed and well-defined fluxes of molecules

to and beyond the point where detailed studies of chemical reactions have been possible. He has also elucidated the dynamics of the basic types of reaction. Yuan T. Lee

who initially worked in cooperation with Herschbach

has developed the method of crossed molecular beams further towards its use for general reactions. Most notably

he has used this method for the study of important reactions for relatively large molecules. John C. Polanyi has developed the method of infrared chemiluminescence

in which the extremely weak infrared emission from a newly formed molecule is measured and analysed. He has used this method to elucidate the detailed energy disposal during chemical reactions.BackgroundThe molecules and atoms in all substances are in perpetual motion

and collisions between the molecules in a gas or a liquid thus occur continuously. When molecules come in close enough contact with each other

redistribution of the atoms can take place between or within them. New molecules form so-called product molecules

which means that a chemical reaction takes place. To effect a reaction

the colliding molecules are often required to have some special property such as high velocity or large internal energy.The classical description of how chemical reactions occur

and how rates of chemical reaction are measured

belongs to the field of chemical reaction kinetics. This field has developed rapidly during the last few decades

especially regarding experimental methods. The 1967 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to M. Eigen

Federal Republic of Germany

R.G.W. Norrish and G. Porter

Great Britain

for their studies of extremely fast chemical reactions. In many respects however

fundamental understanding of what molecular features influence the rate of chemical reactions has been slow in developing.The directions and velocities of the molecular motion in a gas or a liquid are mainly random. Consequently

the collisions between the molecules are ill-defined as regards

for example

the kinetic energy in the collision. The details of the reaction thus become blurred and cannot be observed precisely enough. This problem had not been solved satisfactorily before the development described here.It was finally possible to solve the problem by using molecular beams formed of directed and spatially well-defined molecular fluxes of low density

often also with well-defined velocities. When two molecular beams are caused to cross each other

the details of the reactions between molecules can be studied. The crossed molecular beam technique is thus one of the most important advances within the field of reaction dynamics.Dudley R. Herschbach took part in the development of this method almost from the start. His extremely important achievements concerned for example studies of short-lived direct reactions

especially of the two main types


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