We are surprised
and regret to learn that you are not satisfied with the goods supplied under your order No. 9228; you claim that the quality is inferior to the original sample.Upon receiving your comments on June 23
we checked and consulted with our people in the production department at once
and have asked them to look into this matter. We will gave you their response soon. Your e-mail of August 30 informing us that the wrong articles sent to you were received yesterday
for which we sincerely apologize first.We regret to hear that the shipment of your order No. 1026 arrived in a damaged condition.We are looking into this matter and will respond as soon as possible.We are immediately investigation this matter and as soon as we have anything definite to report
we shall write you again.Your e-mail dated May 20 has been given our best attention. We are very concerned about your comments about the wrong goods and are looking into it right now. We will reply as soon as possible regarding this matter.
We are surprised
and regret to learn that you are not satisfied with the goods supplied under your order No. 9228; you claim that the quality is inferior to the original sample當我們被通知您對我們的產品 (編號9228) 有所不滿意 我們感到非常驚訝也很抱歉 您聲明所收到的產品品質不如當初的試用品Upon receiving your comments on June 23
we checked and consulted with our people in the production department at once
and have asked them to look into this matter. We will gave you their response soon.於6/23收到您的通知後 我們立即與生產部門的人員確認和諮詢 並請這些人員找出問題的所在 我們將會儘快給您一個滿意的答覆Your e-mail of August 30 informing us that the wrong articles sent to you were received yesterday
for which we sincerely apologize first.您在8/30寄出 通知我們寄錯文章給您的E-mail 已於昨天收到 為此我們深感抱歉We regret to hear that the shipment of your order No. 1026 arrived in a damaged condition.對於您的產品 (編號1026) 在運送到府時已是損壞的情況 我們深感抱歉We are looking into this matter and will respond as soon as possible.我們正極力找出問題所在 並且會儘快回覆We are immediately investigatING this matter and as soon as we have anything definite to report
we shall write you again.我們已立即開始調查此問題 如有確切的資料或發現 我們會馬上以書信通知您Your e-mail dated May 20 has been given our best attention. We are very concerned about your comments about the wrong goods and are looking into it right now. We will reply as soon as possible regarding this matter. 我們已經全力關注您於5/20寄出的E-mail 我們非常看重顧客對於產品確切度的意見 我們正在試著找出問題所在 我們會儘快回覆您
一但有任何結果必定立刻寫信回應.5月20日 的信件所提到的事件最受到我們的關注
對於你關於寄錯貨的指教我們將誠摯的接納並正深入了解 此事件中.對於此事件我們將立刻做出回應.
We are surprised
and regret to learn that you are not satisfied with the goods supplied under your order No. 9228; you claim that the quality is inferior to the original sample.我們十分訝異
也很遺憾得知您對我們提供的貨品(貨號9228)不甚滿意-您指出收到的貨品品質劣於當初看的樣品.Upon receiving your comments on June 23
we checked and consulted with our people in the production department at once
and have asked them to look into this matter. We will gave you their response soon.我們在6月23日收到您的來信後
我們會盡快與您回覆. Your e-mail of August 30 informing us that the wrong articles sent to you were received yesterday
for which we sincerely apologize first.您在8月30日的電子郵件中告知我們
我致上最深的歉意.We regret to hear that the shipment of your order No. 1026 arrived in a damaged condition.我們很遺憾聽到您說
收到船運的貨品(貨號1026)是破損的.We are looking into this matter and will respond as soon as possible. 我們對此事件將做進一步評估
並會盡快與您答覆.We are immediately investigation this matter and as soon as we have anything definite to report
we shall write you again.我們即刻調查此事
將秉告您.Your e-mail dated May 20 has been given our best attention. We are very concerned about your comments about the wrong goods and are looking into it right now. We will reply as soon as possible regarding this matter.您於5月20日的電子郵件
We are surprised
and regret to learn that you are not satisfied with the goods supplied under your order No. 9228; you claim that the quality is inferior to the original sample.我們很訝異也很遺憾您不滿意9228號訂單的大貨
Upon receiving your comments on June 23
we checked and consulted with our people in the production department at once
and have asked them to look into this matter. We will gave you their response soon.6月23日收到您的來信後
Your e-mail of August 30 informing us that the wrong articles sent to you were received yesterday
for which we sincerely apologize first.您在8月30日的電郵中告知昨日已收到錯送的商品
有上下文比較能確定)We regret to hear that the shipment of your order No. 1026 arrived in a damaged condition.很遺憾得知您收到的1026號訂單貨品於運送途中損毀。
We are looking into this matter and will respond as soon as possible.我們正在調查此事
We are immediately investigation this matter and as soon as we have anything definite to report
we shall write you again.(原文是要說 we are investigating 還是 we immediately investigate... ?!) 我們正在調查事情原委
Your e-mail dated May 20 has been given our best attention. We are very concerned about your comments about the wrong goods and are looking into it right now. We will reply as soon as possible regarding this matter. 我們非常重視您在5月20日的電郵中提及貨品送錯的事情
be satisfied with,satisfied with 造句,i'm satisfied with you,be satisfied with造句,not satisfied with,she told herself that she would be satisfied withsatisfied with,直譯,英文翻譯,商業,sincerely apologize,yesterday,immediately investigation,英文,翻譯,surprised